full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Betül Kaçar: We could kick-start life on another planet. Should we?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So I really tried to bring you answers today, and I don't have any. But I see the facts shaping in fonrt of me. A universe full with life is interesting because having a solution in hand has value, right? But perhaps the spontaneity and unpredictability of discovering novel chemistries and novel life forms is also interesting and has its own unique merits. But do we get to set course and let natural evolution discover its own lcaol enrinvetmons wherever it might be in the coosms? An etmpy universe in this rgraed, I think, can be viewed as an wide open palette for solutions waiting to be discovered. But should we do it just because we can?

Open Cloze

So I really tried to bring you answers today, and I don't have any. But I see the facts shaping in _____ of me. A universe full with life is interesting because having a solution in hand has value, right? But perhaps the spontaneity and unpredictability of discovering novel chemistries and novel life forms is also interesting and has its own unique merits. But do we get to set course and let natural evolution discover its own _____ ____________ wherever it might be in the ______? An _____ universe in this ______, I think, can be viewed as an wide open palette for solutions waiting to be discovered. But should we do it just because we can?


  1. empty
  2. local
  3. front
  4. cosmos
  5. regard
  6. environments

Original Text

So I really tried to bring you answers today, and I don't have any. But I see the facts shaping in front of me. A universe full with life is interesting because having a solution in hand has value, right? But perhaps the spontaneity and unpredictability of discovering novel chemistries and novel life forms is also interesting and has its own unique merits. But do we get to set course and let natural evolution discover its own local environments wherever it might be in the cosmos? An empty universe in this regard, I think, can be viewed as an wide open palette for solutions waiting to be discovered. But should we do it just because we can?

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
life happened 2
ancient dna 2
existed billions 2
earth life 2
planetary body 2
missing ingredients 2
ethical difference 2

Important Words

  1. answers
  2. bring
  3. chemistries
  4. cosmos
  5. discover
  6. discovered
  7. discovering
  8. empty
  9. environments
  10. evolution
  11. facts
  12. forms
  13. front
  14. full
  15. hand
  16. interesting
  17. life
  18. local
  19. merits
  20. natural
  21. open
  22. palette
  23. regard
  24. set
  25. shaping
  26. solution
  27. solutions
  28. spontaneity
  29. today
  30. unique
  31. universe
  32. unpredictability
  33. viewed
  34. waiting
  35. wide